Women of Excellence
Maureen Hallaran |
Title: | Co-Founder |
Industry: | Financial |
Type of Organization: | Wealth Strategies Group |
Major Product/Service: | Providing financial planning and investment services |
Expertise: | Serves as a National Social Security Advisor, Speaker, Continuing Education Instructor and is the co-founder; Specializes in insurance and Medicare; Background in the healthcare industry and financial planning; Responsible for marketing, accounting, social media presence and guiding clients concerning Medicare and healthcare needs |
Geographic Area of Distribution: | Saratoga Springs, New York |
Affiliations: | A.H.I.P.; N.S.S.A. |
University/Degree: | B.S., University of Florida, 1985 |
Born: | August 11, Bay Shore, New York |
Hobbies/Sports: | Kayaking, hiking, biking, dining |